"No More Homeless Pets"
Recognized as a 501(c)3 state and federal charity
Humane Society in Champaign County
His Hands Extended Sanctuary/Clinic
1560 Dialton Road
St. Paris, OH 43072
Donate to the Sanctuary

Every day we receive calls to help with animals in crisis and every day we are faced with growing financial challenges. Food, vetinarian care, shelter, and staffing can be provided only if we receive the assisstance of generous donations from animal-loving people such as you.
We realize not everyone can assume the responsibility for so many animals facing so much need. But everyone can help the Sanctuary to do the work necessary to provide a forever-home for these sweet souls. We depend on donations keep our doors open for animals in need. There are so, so many. We are a no-kill sanctuary and we believe every life has value.
If you would like, you can specify what you want your donation to go towards: food, spay & neuter, clinical vetinarian services, our building fund, Sanctuary staffing, or even educational materials focused on the humane treatment of all of God's creatures. After making a donation via Paypal, simply send an email to Sanctuary@HisHands-ExtendedSanctuary.org and let us know how you want us to use your contribution.
Every dollar donated will be stretched as far as possible to do the most good. Every donation will be used to benefit the animals at the Sanctuary and to build more facilities to help more animals who suffer from being considered surplus and unwanted.
Donations may also be made by sending a check to
His Hands Extended Sanctuary
1560 Dialton Road
Saint Paris, Ohio 43072-9415